The whole team at Blue House Productions is very excited about our newest videography experts.
They moved up here just last week from North Carolina. The two brothers (Oliver and Harvey) come from a renowned Italian Greyhound heritage, their mother Paris made a debut on Animal Planet. They were born on May 9th 2014, and although they are younger than average for the industry, you can tell they were very serious about learning our studio and getting to work right away.
Blue House videography projects will now have a 50% improvement in turn around times.
- Oliver
- Harvey
- Oliver playing on the Steainway
- Harvey Working the Camera
Harvey spent some time in the studio trying out the drum kit, while Oliver pawed at the Steinway in the other room. The brothers are experts at their craft, and wasted no time getting comfortable with their new workstation and editing their first project. To maximize creativity and quality they only work together. Italian Greyhounds are the second fastest dog breed in the world (slower only to the Greyhound), when you watch them working on a multi-clip raw video footage their speed and precision is mesmerizing. They truly are two little geniuses.
“I see great potential with the two, Blue House videography will now be better than ever” – Jeff Gruber CEO at Blue House Productions
They clicked right away with their new boss Domenic, the Director of Photography here at Blue House. After a long and productive day at Blue House the brothers like to focus on something other than videography. Today they spent some time outside getting some exercise. Like any siblings, sometimes they get a little bit ruff.
If you would like to request Harvey and Oliver to work on your next videography project please send us an email or give us a call. The two are ready to sink their teeth into new corporate promotional videos, training videos, live webcasts and much much more.
Also help us spread the news of our new employees, repost this blog via our social media links below to your family, friends and colleagues we are very proud of both Harvey and Oliver and would love everyone to know.